Friday 11 December 2015


There was an exercise that required participants to stand up and talk in front of their peers. Some were too shy. Others probably afraid. But a handful of bold teachers stood up and shined.

Monday 7 December 2015


My visit to Karoi was very eye opening. Having carried the view that Zim education was on a downward spiral, What I encountered there came as a shock. The visit was to the Hurungwe District, where Karoi falls under, and we were working with various schools from the district.
people there are very serious about the quality of education their children are receiving and are doing everything possible to better that quality.  They have introduced a program that targets young learners from pre-school, the early reader program (ERD). ERD ensures that children are equipped with the fundamentals of english reading while their still young, for a strong foundation ensures a strong building. on top of this program, the district was so keen on having THRASS introduced to their schools, to complement ERD. with the two programs combined, the foundation of the child, in as far as english learning is concerned, englsih being a fundamental language, is strengthened beyond words.
I didn't get a chance to speak to the children, but meeting their teachers gave me a glimpse of what their future will mostly likely be, and I see brightness in the near distance.
I was truly amazed at the progress that district is making, and its my sincere hope that they continue to empower their children like that.

Thursday 3 December 2015


 The THRASS training in Karoi was attended by teachers, teachers in charge and headmasters. The general atmosphere was that of people who were willing to learn and hence were open minded.
Through out the program, participants were asked various questions. Those that had the courage to speak in front of an audience, and those that got correct answers were rewarded with charts (Like the man below)