Thursday 8 February 2018


The official opening of St. Giles computer lab.

We donated ICT equipment which included 10 desktops, headphones, a laptop, a connect box, e learning application and a projector, at St. Giles special school. The donation was made to fulfill our objective to create a more digitized society with a generation of students capable of competing on the world market. The school was grateful, even though unnecessary, and to show their gratitude they invited us as part of their honoured guests at the official opening of their computer laboratory. 
The donation had an impact for St. Giles, a school for special need and disabled children. The computers along with the other ICT resources will go a long way in making sure the children are on the same level to compete with able-bodied children the world over.

Mr. Chandaengerwa( WLZ Director), middle, and Mr. Mafukidze (Provincial education director), right. St. Giles headmistress handing Mr. Chandaengerwa a computer shaped cake to show their gratitude. 

One of the students sampling the new machine. 

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