Friday 11 December 2015


There was an exercise that required participants to stand up and talk in front of their peers. Some were too shy. Others probably afraid. But a handful of bold teachers stood up and shined.

Monday 7 December 2015


My visit to Karoi was very eye opening. Having carried the view that Zim education was on a downward spiral, What I encountered there came as a shock. The visit was to the Hurungwe District, where Karoi falls under, and we were working with various schools from the district.
people there are very serious about the quality of education their children are receiving and are doing everything possible to better that quality.  They have introduced a program that targets young learners from pre-school, the early reader program (ERD). ERD ensures that children are equipped with the fundamentals of english reading while their still young, for a strong foundation ensures a strong building. on top of this program, the district was so keen on having THRASS introduced to their schools, to complement ERD. with the two programs combined, the foundation of the child, in as far as english learning is concerned, englsih being a fundamental language, is strengthened beyond words.
I didn't get a chance to speak to the children, but meeting their teachers gave me a glimpse of what their future will mostly likely be, and I see brightness in the near distance.
I was truly amazed at the progress that district is making, and its my sincere hope that they continue to empower their children like that.

Thursday 3 December 2015


 The THRASS training in Karoi was attended by teachers, teachers in charge and headmasters. The general atmosphere was that of people who were willing to learn and hence were open minded.
Through out the program, participants were asked various questions. Those that had the courage to speak in front of an audience, and those that got correct answers were rewarded with charts (Like the man below)

Friday 20 November 2015


World Links Zimbabwe is going to be conducting a THRASS training in Karoi, Mash East province, from 23 to 27 November 2015. The workshop is aimed to equip teachers with the basic and technical no how of how to adequately teach english to their students.
The training is targeted at primary school teachers, since the kind of foundation a child has, defines how they turn out to be and in a way helps shape their destiny.
The workshop, though targeted at Karoi in particular, is not restricted to this part of Zimbabwe. If there aere people out there who feel that the training would empower them to empower their children, then this is the time to get in touch with World Links Zimbabwe Trust.

Monday 16 November 2015


World Links Zimbabwe Trust in partnership with Envision South Carolina (SC) are proud to present The World Class Scholar program. The World Class Scholars Program of Envision SC is a real time online education  and cultural exchange program for students at school in SC and partner schools globally.

World class scholars encourages teachers to show their students life outside of their community. the program enables students, both in SC and around the globe, to actively engage in learning about the larger world around them, to build long lasting relationships with students from diverse cultural backgrounds, and develop key 21st century job skills that will make them more competitive in an increasingly global economy.
Under the program International Partner Schools (IPS) are selected and paired with comparable schools in SC and together they connect, learn, and share with each other and the wider world around them.

Schools can use classes or after school programs to meet with the SC schools.

The Schools that want to participate can be composed of any grade level from Grade 1to Form 4. The basic framework and plan for World class scholars is  one school year of nine months.

There is no cost to schools or students for participation. However, the basic requirement is internet connectivity.

For more information contact:

Eliada Gudza (World Links) on Mobile numbers +263 772 239 534 or +263 715 307 976.

Email to or
website : worldlinks

Kaitlin Degerick (South Carolina)
Director of Schools Programs
Kaitlin Degerick

Tuesday 27 October 2015


The turn of the new millennium saw a surge in the use of ICTs in schools. The education sector witnessed an increase in the use of computers in schools both as administrative tools and as learning devices. this led to schools buying computers in bulk for their computer labs. Between the years 2005 and 2011, World Links Zimbabwe distributed well over 90 000 computers with Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) monitors. These screens have tubes like older models of television sets.

As the world is becoming more digitized, there has been the emergence of more appealing, easy on the eye flat screen monitors. These take up less space, use less electricity and provide a clearer visual display as compared to the CRT monitors of the past. World Links Zimbabwe had undertaken a study and found out that 85% of the schools still use CRT screens and thus are on the lower end of the computer satisfaction grid.

this discovery has prompted World Links Zimbabwe to launch a CRT replacement scheme. This scheme will basically see World Links Zimbabwe going into all schools it supplied with CRT monitors and replacing the monitors with flat screen versions FREE of charge. World Links Zimbabwe will also perform a major repair service on the machines to ensure that every student gets a feel of ICT education.

World Links Zimbabwe hopes the scheme will benefit schools that are still using CRT monitors.

Tuesday 20 October 2015


World Links Zimbabwe was invited to a prize giving ceremony at St. Peter Gudza, a school located in rural Zimbabwe. The invitation came because World Links Director, Mr. Eliada Gudza, is the school's patron.
My article is not the relationship between the school and the trust, rather the happenings of that prize giving.

The school is located in the heart of rural Zimbabwe and some of the children walk almost 14 kilometers a day to and from school. The school standards are alright, comparing to other rural schools, but in comparison to the rest of the country, there is a lot that is lacking. However, despite the situation, children attending school there are defying the odds and ,making it, academically.
It was so inspiring to note that these children weren't being hindered by their environment on their road to success.

Thursday 8 October 2015


The turn of the century saw a surge in the use of ICTs in schools. The education sector witnessed an increase in the use of computers in schools both as an administrative tool and as a learning device. This led to schools buying computers in bulk for their computer labs. Between the years 2005 and 2011, World Links Zimbabwe Trust distributed well over  9000 computers with Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors. These are screens that have tubes just like older models of televisions sets.

As the world is becoming more digitized, there has been the emergence of more appealing and easy on the eye flat screen monitors. These take up less space, use less electricity and provide a clearer visual display as compared to CRT monitors of the past. World Links Zimbabwe has undertaken a study and found out that 85% of the schools still use CRT screens and are thus on the lower end of the computer satisfaction grid.

This discovery has prompted World Links Zimbabwe to launch a CRT replacement scheme. This scheme will basically see World Links Zimbabwe going into all schools it supplied with CRT monitors and replacing the monitors with Flat screen monitors FREE of charge. World Links Zimbabwe will also perform a major repair service on the machines to ensure that every student gets a first class feel of ICT education.

World Links Zimbabwe hopes to cover all schools still using CRT monitors and invites them to contact World Links Zimbabwe Trust offices on the following numbers, (04) 308 280 or 0734 376 263

Tuesday 6 October 2015


World Links in partnership with NAireeta Services, India, and Bindura Univeristy are looking to launch the Bhurngroo Project in  Zimbabwe. Bhungroo translates to -straw for water- and that is basically what it is. It is most effective in drought prone areas- examples being Hwedza- and areas prone to flash floods like in Muzarabani.
the Bhungroo is constructed underground and during the rainy season, water is stored inside it. In areas that are prone to flash floods, water is literally sucked into the Bhungroo to leave the ground above with just enough moisture for ploughing.
When the ground begins to dry, as the season passes, the water in the Bhungroo surfaces taking the form of irrigation.
This then means that farming is actually possible all year round. with a project like that on our hands, Food security is a gurantee in Zimbabwe and this might just lead us back to our days as the bread basket of Southern Africa.
The Bhungroo project is effective for areas that receive as low as 300ml of rain. It can store and subsequently produce up to two million liters of water per year.

Friday 25 September 2015


Chalkboards are so 2000. One might ask me why i am saying so, indeed one should ask me why I am saying so.  I am saying so because thanks to the ever changing technological atmosphere, we have what we call Interactive screens. This screens are the next step in chalkboards.
Gone are the days when classrooms were filled with chalk dust and hands stained with multiple colors. Thanks to Interactive screens, those with asthma can now enjoy school like never before, learning is going to be doses of fun, trust me.
come by World Links Zimbabwe and check out the interactive screens for yourself. And no one will blame you for not wanting to use chalkboards again

Tuesday 22 September 2015


Machines on offer at World Links. We not only provide mind nourishment, we also provide resources that take us a step further into a more digitized world. The machines are on offer for $195.

Thursday 17 September 2015

THRASS: Price tag number 2

The list of prices to be mentioned are supplementary. This would issue that you kid becomes the brilliant English writer and speaker, and considering that English is the building block in Zimbabwean education, its actually a plus for you child.
The prices are as follows, Raps and Sequence CD-$5, English Phonics chart A4(individual deskchart)- $3, English phonics chart A3(individual deskchart)-$6, English Phonics chart A1(individual deskchart)-$19, English Phonics chart-$38,  English Phonics overwrite chart A4-$3.
Picture cards, 120 playing cards,-$7, Hotword cards, 100 laminated cards, -$23, phomene-grapheme cards,120 laminated cards,-$40, Magnetic graphemes, 170 large blue and red tiles, -$78, English phonics 500 book(individual book)-12 page A4 book-$5, Spelling list workbook (individual workbook)-$5.
English phonics 500 chart A3(class reference)-$5, English phonics 1200 chart A3(class reference)-$5, Word level workbook-$4.
Sing-a-long book-$14, Sing-a-long double CD-$13, Move-a-long-with sing-a-long DVD-$10, Teacher's mannual-$13, THRASS 60 Minute a day-$15, THRASS Dictionary(Individual Workbook)-$6, Keywords for English phonics A4-$6, Keywords for English phonics A3-$18, Spellings group workbook-$6.

Some of what we have to offer

THRASS: Price tags

For those interested in having the THRASS full kit, here are the prices and the products available:
English Spelling Chart ( Individual Deskchart)-$10, English Spelling chart A5 handbook( Individual book)-$3, English Spelling chart CD( Individual or group)-$8.
English Phonics chart A4(Individual Deskchart)_$3, English Phonics chart A3(small wall chart)-$6, English PhonicsA1( Medium wall chart)-$19, English Phonics chart A0( Large wallchart)-$38, Raps and keyspelling walchart A19( Medium wallchart)-$19, The English keywords book(Individual book)-$8, Keyspelling  overwrite chart A4(Individual deskchart)-$3, English Phonics check A4( Individual desktop)-$3, 24/20sound chart A4(Individual desktop)-$3.
English  phonics chart A5(Individual)-$2, English key spelling chart-$2, Key spelling card-$2

 Here are some of the pictures of the above mentioned products :

Tuesday 15 September 2015


In our quest to equip Zimbabwean children with technological skills to navigate an increasingly digital world, we have introduced a number of courses for the teachers who impart the knowledge of the young minds.
We offer courses in THRASS ORIENTATION and THRASS COURSE FOR PARENTS.  The two above mentioned courses are for beginners. Its basically a starter pack. In order for a teacher or a parent to ensure the brilliance in the child under their supervision, they too should be brilliant. The courses are really cheap from ten to fifteen dollars only.
Parents and Teachers alike should join these courses to ensure the brighter future of their children

Friday 11 September 2015


I personally  believe that you can show someone that you respect them by respecting their culture. To me, that is the only way to show respect. According to one of my favorite authors of all time, forgive me if its the wrong spelling, Ngugi Wa Thiong'o, Language is culture. In the sense that through language we add to and take away from things that eventually become part of our culture.
Now back to what I was saying, we at World Links understand this and as such have come up with a programme called Teaching Handwriting Reading and Spelling Skills. In English. English as Zimbabweans is our official language and hence part of our culture. THRASS' aim is to teach children, especially in primary school, how to properly speak the language and how to properly write it. this comes with the understanding that children are our future. Our tomorrow. As such teaching them the importance of other people's culture, and part of our own, ensures that they learn to respect other people. Of course, as well as speak  the language beautifully.
Teachers of primary school children should come to THRASS work shops and receive the proper guidance and resources to embark on a journey that not only teaches proper English speaking, but instills in children the value of respecting other people's cultures.

Thursday 10 September 2015


World Links Zimbabwe Trust is an NGO focused on giving School ICT resources and connectivity, E-learning content, project based learning, innovative teaching and Learning resources as well as Technical support service. Not wanting the future of Zimbabwe to be left behind, World Links had made it its mission to equip young children, especially at primary level, with the basic skills to survive a world that is now being ruled by technology. 
This extends to rural Zimbabwe, which until now had been considered a no go area for technology. As it is our mission to equip the future of Zimbabwe with skills to compete on a world level, virtual level that is, the organization is leaving no one behind. 
World links with the then Ministry of Education, sport, Arts and culture (MOESAC) has established in all ten province, of Zimbabwe, a total of 45 schools and community based dual-purpose Tele-centres open to students and teachers  during normal school hours and the community after hours and during the weekend.