Thursday 17 September 2015

THRASS: Price tags

For those interested in having the THRASS full kit, here are the prices and the products available:
English Spelling Chart ( Individual Deskchart)-$10, English Spelling chart A5 handbook( Individual book)-$3, English Spelling chart CD( Individual or group)-$8.
English Phonics chart A4(Individual Deskchart)_$3, English Phonics chart A3(small wall chart)-$6, English PhonicsA1( Medium wall chart)-$19, English Phonics chart A0( Large wallchart)-$38, Raps and keyspelling walchart A19( Medium wallchart)-$19, The English keywords book(Individual book)-$8, Keyspelling  overwrite chart A4(Individual deskchart)-$3, English Phonics check A4( Individual desktop)-$3, 24/20sound chart A4(Individual desktop)-$3.
English  phonics chart A5(Individual)-$2, English key spelling chart-$2, Key spelling card-$2

 Here are some of the pictures of the above mentioned products :

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