Friday 11 September 2015


I personally  believe that you can show someone that you respect them by respecting their culture. To me, that is the only way to show respect. According to one of my favorite authors of all time, forgive me if its the wrong spelling, Ngugi Wa Thiong'o, Language is culture. In the sense that through language we add to and take away from things that eventually become part of our culture.
Now back to what I was saying, we at World Links understand this and as such have come up with a programme called Teaching Handwriting Reading and Spelling Skills. In English. English as Zimbabweans is our official language and hence part of our culture. THRASS' aim is to teach children, especially in primary school, how to properly speak the language and how to properly write it. this comes with the understanding that children are our future. Our tomorrow. As such teaching them the importance of other people's culture, and part of our own, ensures that they learn to respect other people. Of course, as well as speak  the language beautifully.
Teachers of primary school children should come to THRASS work shops and receive the proper guidance and resources to embark on a journey that not only teaches proper English speaking, but instills in children the value of respecting other people's cultures.

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